
Saraswati Album Release 3/15


Guess what BLOGGERS?  Since YOU are interested in me, I am interested in releasing my album to you FIRST!  It is now available on Bandcamp (though not announced publicly) for you to download, FOR FREE, to soak in, and even give me some feedback if you’d like!   ENJOY!Image


Listen to it, and if you love it and think it’s worth something, SEND IT TO SOMEONE ELSE.  Maybe you even think it’s worth something, and donate a few dollars.  Every share and every dollar count.  This is a movement.  Creating understanding and asking questions.  And it starts with music.

When was the last time you listened to an album all the way through from start to finish?  Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon? (three times in a row with the wizard of oz?)  Was it the Grey Album by Dr Dre?  Or maybe…..

I’ve always been so fascinated by conceptual works of art, pun intended.  Concepts and missed concepts and misconceptions abound, and sometimes things so serendipitously come together, you’re not even sure it really happened at first.  It’s happening to you.  And turning you on in a way you never felt possible.

And that’s what I want this new album release to do for the listener.  To start them on a journey of thinking, and spin them out into infinity and back again feeling stronger and more beautiful every second.   Planting, seeding, sewing, dreaming up new schemes.

So imagine that,  you know nothing.  You sit down, and you have no idea where it’s about to take you.  All you know, is that it starts with this Goddess, Saraswati.  Who is the Hundi entity of knowledge, sound, creativity and song.  And you push play.

The first track, Saraswati, explains this divine image’s work within the Hindu construct, and is a continuous channel for this divine energy to come through and shine.  It is, whatever you make it to be.  We should all embrace our inner diva goddess and celebrate our divinity.  Saraswati gives us permission to be wildly creative, and enjoyably odd in our own skin.  Embrace it.  Ole!

The 2nd Track, along with the 3 other Charlie/Chuckey/Charles Bradley interludes mixed by Purusa, represent the reverse-commercial interludes of the album. Creating space for one to not be overridden by messages, but to process that which has been put forth.  Today’s Bradley mix is being brought to you by the letter Q, as in Quinly.  Pay attention.  They fly by pretty quickly these days, those moments of clarity.

Bringing us to Track 3, All on Black – A dustup cover of Alkaline Trio’s song done to an Evil Bastards glitch hop track.  We’ve been in a dark dark place.  Not everything is pretty.  Moderation is key.  And sometimes, the Pheonix must die to be risen again brand new from the ashes…. like the shedding of our skin …. we are all brand new every day, and we have all killed off parts of ourselves that no longer served our highest good.

Track 4 – Fast Forward Rewind – an sharp Ode to generation overdose.  Matters not to be taken lightly…. but sung about with great conviction, and destitute. This song began as a tribute to a young man who didn’t know how much he had to offer, like so many of us troubleshoot daily.  You are special.  What you do matters.  This song in the album is where we admit to what has not been working in the past, and commit to not ignoring it in the future. Dealing with your shit, from way back in the day if you need to, so you can move forward with a clean consciousness and resolute attitude.

Scary Tale is a transcendental reminder of the darker sides of even brighter lights…. beginning with our childhood and moving into our sexuality, this combined spoken word piece gives us permission to be empowered.  To be open.  To be FREE.  No matter your age or shoe size.  Or chest size.  This song is a cultural examination of the path that led us so far down this rabbit hole in the first place…. from advertising cartoons to childhood ruins, as we grow up and out, we grow to understand that our environment plays such a huge part in how we are sharped today, individually and collectively.

Left Turn – the AH HA moment of the compilation.  Our Day of Atonement has arrived.  Every day can be a day of atonement, with its own attitude and charm.  This particular track is a freestyle piece that is often sung differently every time.  It’s general theme is about owning your power and freedom, and not being afraid to proclaim “this is what I’m here to do!”  So mote it be.

ReVerb turns us onto the beauty of wordplay poetica, a sample remixed from a Charles Bradley tune.   If I was a reverb, I’d spin in absurd days, and play disturbed games, mostly on thursdays….  This song serves as an attempt to reintroduce myself, as not only the misconception you thought you knew, .  I am not limited to one specific thing.  I am you.  I am consciousness. You are Sara Glass.  We can channel Saraswati, should we choose to.  We can do WHATEVER we want to!  (Always with love)

Holy Days – So what does it mean to have a holy day, and honor it?  Full moon gatherings and solstices are coming on strong.  Mercury Retrograde getting along.  Taking us to the Insomniac Olympics, our focal point and climax of the album.  Here, is where we stop, and really observe, just what is going on.  God is a Verb, that’s just what I heard.  And we all have a story to tell…

Devil’s Soul moves into just what embarking on such sacraments can lead to…. lust and love and all of the above.   And somewhere down the rabbit hole, let it Beatles take you back over the rainbow to an ending of unique proportions.  One of the first things I wrote as a young writer in college, was my Eulogy.  I’d like to dedicate this album, to the man who will read it someday.

NamastE.  And THANK YOU for listening.  Now please, GO, share it with someone else!   Keep the message alive…

“I believe in true love, in free love and equality for everyone inside that love.  I believe. In the power.  Of Love”


The time has come…. to eat your heart out [loud]

Our whole lives, I feel as though we’ve been waiting.  Waiting for something to happen.  This sense of…. urgency or pending doom.  Waiting for the next big natural disaster; or for the next fatal diagnosis.  Waiting for the next Michael Jackson, or JFK to appear on the scene and then disappear just as suddenly.   Waiting for future weapons of mass destruction to be released, or for marjuana to be legalized.  Or the unexpected suicidial tendencies people find themselves in.  Whichever side of the world you’re on, you’re waiting for something un certain, and any minute your paradigm could shift.

So what is that ONE thing that YOU are waiting for?  Once identified, then we must ask ourselves “are we fighting for it”.  While I hate to use the word fighting, we will substitute “working”.  What are you WORKING towards, so that the world can be a better place for  the future generations?  Some pick a small cause, and help non profits of choice raise tax-exempt funds for specific organizations.  Some people rally politically, writing letters to senators or marching on steps.  Some people settle apathetically for complacency, assuming the world will never change, and we should just enjoy the state it’s in while we can.  But I refuse to sit by complacently.

Me, I’ve always been an optimist.  I’ve always had high hopes for my life – our life.  This life.  Life is a gift, and every moment of joy is not to be taken for granted.  If you were given the opportunity to make someone’s day better, would you take it?  If you knew that SOMEHOW, by making others feel better, you TOO would feel better, as a person.   Spreading hope for humanity.  If every person on this earth’s mission was to turn to their neighbor, and make them smile, or offer them a hand when they need it …..  I can only imagine what this world would look like.

And I do imagine.  Every day.  Wondering “WHAT IS IT THAT WE ARE WAITING FOR?”.  Why can’t we have it NOW?   Why CAN’T the government put an end to war and violence?  Why can’t corporations decide to FEED people rather than take from their customers and deplete resources.  Why CAN’T there be a DEMAND for high quality food and water that makes us healthier and holier rather than sick.  There is a line to be drawn, a line stating what the people will allow, and what standards we will simply refuse to live with.

Most days I wonder, what is it we are waiting for?  And I have to remind myself…. we are WAITING for OURSELVES to step up and stand up for the causes we believe in.  To be the people we KNOW we are capable of being.  To continue this forward profession as a group of humans; whatever your community.  To start a movement that will transcend time and space and common sense.  To declare love and freedom and free food and free healthcare is for all free men on earth.  To demand a sense of unity and RESPECT for all living creatures, that works both ways.

And I will not sit by quietly until we are ALL on the same page.  You don’t have to like everyone you know, or every decision.  But we do have to realize at some point that we are all human, and we are all stuck on this planet, so we better start with some respect.

I propose a campaign, one of a simple regime: Random acts of kindness.  Let your life surround around that.   And eat your heart out.  What’s next?

Love all ways,



History Artistic

And on the 7th day, God created the Vibe Tribe.  Ok, maybe not exactly, play by play. but largely, one tribe and one vibe was sparked.   Today, some of us are still living that mentality.   Moment to moment, here in Kansas City.  Let’s explore shall we?


The Vibe Tribe was actually officially incarnated in 2011, when I got a call from painter John Bukaty to join the Kanrocksas team.  “Um, can I bring 60 people?” was my first question, and the Vibe Tribe was born!  We made business cards and rocked that Kansas festival hard.  The Vibe Tribe has been blazing its own trail ever since, and it’s got a force of it’s own.

We started as a group of friends.  All inclusive, meaning anyone could represent and join the cause.  We decided to focus on raising the vibration through movement, music and art, essentially.  We would go to specific shows, dressed up in a theme, promoting the particular event and making sure everyone there was having FUN.  That was the mission.  To play and dance and create our own entertainment, while having fun.

The flow arts are essentially a way for the crowd to be interactive with the show, creating our own entertainment.  Flow artists don’t sit passively waiting to be entertained.  They develop their own skills and bring the excitement wherever they go.  It fit naturally into what the Vibe Tribe stood for, and we incorporated as many props, costumes, and ambient decor as possible.  It gave us a reason to be involved.  A purpose.  That was the goal of the Vibe Tribe…. to give everyone a purpose.

So whether you are a flow artist, a photographer, a sound engineer, set designer, visual painter or belly dancer,  you found a role at the Vibe Tribe.  Our events got bigger, more prominent, and more exciting!  Suddenly we found ourselves performing at regional musical festivals, spinning fire on the plaza for Water Fire, and other massive events that required insurance as well as skill and talent.  All under the creative direction of Miss Conception, people began breaking out, doing their own shows and projects, all of which is encouraged and supported as much as possible!

In October of 2012 (Rocktober, as it was named) not only were members of the Vibe Tribe given a BUS in which to travel (Hello Bus2Show), but also a STUDIO art space on 55th and Troost.  The community believed in us, and we moved forward in the Vibe Tribe journey.  Our art studio serves as a community space for creations, sewing, dancing, movement, classes, organizing, and yes, some storage for all the STUFF we have acquired.  Where else do you store a 12 foot Buddha?  Or 100 hula hoops?  (My mother’s basement just wasn’t cutting it).   We now offer yoga on Tuesdays, belly dance on Sundays, as well as a slew of other workshops and art classes.

As an artistic director of such a project that I had a vision for, but no plan for, challenges (not problems) are constantly arising.  Troubleshooting and brainstorming are my number one priorities, it seems.   The more we progress, as a troupe and individually, the more there is to think about big picture.  For example: What do you do when one of your troupe member’s stage performance presence isn’t quite strong enough to be on stage at a big event, and you only have 5 guest spots?  How do you ask someone nicely who is someone using the studio but leaving the heat turned up and the windows open that they need to chip in a bit more for rent?   How do you handle a community space where you store ALL of your art and costume items, and now you can’t find that lion tamer costume you were planning on wearing Saturday because someone has taken it and not returned it?  First world problems…. but still a source of anxiety and frustration.  Ah, the life of an artist.


We tried to create something based on trust and creativity, for the betterment of our community and of each other.  Not every one can agree on everything, naturally.  When one member wants to spend hard earned troupe money on trivial items, who is to say they are trivial?  We try to operate on a quasi-democrat system, with those who are active and showing up having a say in what unfolds.  We still have not perfected our system, and we may never.   But the learning curve has been tremendous!

And we have to KEEP coming back to what the FOUNDATION of this group is/was. The focus: creating sacred space.  Raising the vibration through gyrations.  Helping others to share our vision in beauty and creativity making the world a better place.

As of today the Vibe Tribe is still alive, but every day is a gift in this world.  Sometimes I think maybe it would be easier if it all went away…. I wouldn’t have to delegate, or keep this art space CLEAN for gosh sake (I can hardly keep my bed made….I’m artist, what do you expect?)  If I didn’t have the Vibe Tribe, maybe I wouldn’t have to tip toe around sensitive subjects when dealing with narcotic artist egos (insert bit of sarcasm here).   I would’t have to worry so much whether or not my team will show up for a gig we are booked and do a good job.  I wouldn’t have to worry that someone I’ve never met will do something stupid like spin fire in an unsafe place, claim they are “VibeTribe” and put my name at risk… And to think I majored in “PR”.   Never would have seen that curve ball….  But, then again, I’d probably be pretty bored without all the distractions.

If you feel the urge to get involved in some level with this movement of positivity and sincerity, all you gotta do is show up!  A lot of us spend a lot of time up at the studio.  Rehearsing.  Sewing.  Painting.  Or writing blog posts 🙂   We have regular classes mentioned above.  Maybe YOU want to plan a workshop?  Or come paint during our 2nd Friday Art Hop every month.  Whatever you do, you are always welcome in my space.  All you have to do is ask!

In leui of the holidays, (please watch my video below) I shall propose a toast… to the past and to the future.  To making the world a better place.  To health, love and happiness.  To staying in shape while having fun.  Here’s to 2014 blowing our minds.  Join me!